Welcome To Lakeshore Fitness

The facility is FREE to use and only available to employees at Caldecotte Lake Business Park. So why train elsewhere! We are open between 7am-9pm Monday to Friday. It has a great range of Cardio machines, free-weights, Resistance machines, extensive range of functional equipment and let’s not forget the classes!

Our Facilities

Facilities to include:

  • Treadmills, Eliptical Trainers, Concept 2 rowers & Assault Bikes
  • Private spinning & yoga studio
  • Free Weights area with dumbells & fixed barbells
  • Half Rack with Olympic Bar
  • A variety of the latest functional cable machines
  • New showers & changing facilities
  • Functional training equipment including:
    • Kettlebells
    • TRX
    • Battle rope
    • Medicine balls
    • Fit balls
    • Skipping ropes
    • Bosu

Book Classes & Personal Training Online

Classes & Timetable

At lakeshore fitness we only have the fully qualified instructors; to choregraph exercise to music in group cycling. Thoroughly designed and implemented circuits to work all body muscles. We love to leave you feeling all refreshed and relaxed in body relaxation classes. So why not book now and see what other classes we have that will suit you.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
07:30 – 08:15 Express Spin Circuit Training Boxercise
12:00 – 12:30 Core LBT Core
17:30 – 18:15 Circuit Training HIIT
18:30 – 19:00 HIIT Body Recovery

Personal Training With Saj Sanchez

Throughout my life, I have always enjoyed engaging in Physical Education and I knew from an early age that I would like to pursue my career in the field of sports science.

I enjoy both the practical and the theoretical aspects of the subject and believe that I have something of a natural talent for coaching and for devising new activities which will stimulate other people’s interest in sport and their belief in its importance for human wellbeing, health and stability.

At the same time I am very aware of the commercial value of sport as one of the most popular leisure activities globally, and understand well how this requires careful management, planning and directing.

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Contact Us

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us on enquiries@lakeshorefitness.co.uk